Sunday, November 30, 2008

Be Happy :) Be Smile ;)

My favorite phrase is “Be happy Be smile.” I’ve heard this word from my host sister when I stayed in one family’s house in Australia. I thought how sweet word this is after listening it. This word reminds me not only my host sister but also my mother, because my mother is always smiling and looks happy. There are several reasons why I love this phrase. For one thing, I became happy if someone is smiling and looks happy. I think nobody become sad when they saw people smiling. Moreover, it is very important to smile especially during sad situations. I feel if I smile all the time whenever bad condition, some good things would come to me. In addition, I think smile and happy is the most positive words in the world. It would never be negative and imaged darkness. It is difficult to be happy all the time, so I respect my mother a lot. Also, I hope I could be like my mother, and I want to be a person who always looks happy.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sharing Times

I think being alone is necessary for me, but it is more important to share times with somebody. The reason is that I don’t like being alone. I worry about many thing, care about many thing and be nervous when I’m alone. For this reason, I can’t spend hours at starbucks. Also, I don’t want to be alone when I feel bad or sad. Moreover, I love to enjoy a lot of times with my friends. Only talking with friends could be very great memorable time. Now I’m in America and I left my family, so these times are becoming more and more important for me. I easily feel homesick and feel alone, but my friends always help me. However, I think it is important to be alone for thinking, it is comfortable for me to share times.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Fears for my dream

I had had a dream that was to go to America since I was very small child. My dream came true, but I had many fears before coming here and I have fears still now. First of all, it is very difficult to get used to American custom. There are many differences between Japan and America. It was my dream to live American way, but there were things that I’ve never expected, such as traffic lights and huge meals. In addition, I have to care about money that I spent. I used to have a part-time job, so I could spend money that I want. During living here, I can’t live that way. The hardest fear is living without my family, because I had never lived by myself. Before coming here, I always worried about homesick. Also, I sometimes feel homesick and become lonely. However I feel them, my friends always help me. There are many fears to grant my dream, but I believe that I would get many things if I overcome those fears.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween in Japan

I’ve never celebrated Halloween before coming here, so it was first time to celebrate Halloween. Halloween is popular in Japan, but we don’t hold parties and eat candies. I just can find some shops decollated Halloween style. There are a similar custom in Japan. However people don’t celebrate it, their ancestor’s soul come back that day. It happens in summer and all family members get together, then they pray in front of their family Buddhist alters. In my case, I’ve never done that. I think it is because this custom tends to disappear. I have to care about my ancestors, but I always don’t go my grandparent house and get together only because their house is very far from my house. For these reasons, I hadn’t known I’m a Buddhist until becoming a university student. Halloween is a very interesting celebration, so I want to celebrate like that in Japan. It is good for remember that day.